Anyhoo, where am I going with all of this? Well I've realized over the past couple of days that I have learned so much from the movies. I kid you not. People, events, sports terms, medical mysteries, I've learned about a ton of them from the movies. What have I learned you ask? Well... let me share.
- The Flying V. I don't really watch hockey and can't really keep positions and moves down but I do know what the Flying V is and it's all thanks to the Mighty Ducks.
- William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pullitzer. Okay I don't really want to admit this, but I have to. I didn't know these guys were really people. I seriously thought it was just from Newsies, haha. Alas history class told me otherwise, but at least I'd heard of them right?
- Canopic jars. Anubis. The Book of the Dead. Oh yeah, I learned about it all from the Mummy. Now it may not all be accurate, but heck I'd never heard of canopic jars before and when I saw them at the King Tut exhibit I felt pretty smart since I knew what they were for, haha.
- Nikola Tesla. Again I don't know why I'm admitting this, but I had no idea who this guy was until I saw the Prestige and even then I didn't really know he was a real guy. What can I say? I don't know a lot about history. But alas, when his name did come up I already knew what it had to do with, that's a plus right?
- A metro station in LA. Yes I have lived within twenty minutes of Los Angeles my entire life, however I was unaware of a metro station of any sort in the downtown vicinity until Keanu chased after the Dennis Hopper in Speed. Good to know.
- Opes Dei. Did these people even exist before the DaVinci Code? I kid, I kid. But yeah I'd never heard of them and hope they're not nearly as creepy as they were in the movie/book.
- Don't ever get on a big boat that doesn't have enough life boats for everyone, thanks Titanic for that one.
- If your nanny has a British accent and could tackle you in two seconds, chances are it's your dad in drag...or just Robin Williams a la Mrs. Doubtfire.
- When a bad guy is chasing you, it's probably a good idea to not run upstairs as the opposite is demonstrated in almost every horror film.
- When in doubt during the big football game, the Annexation of Puerto Rico always wins, just ask the Little Giants, they made it look so simple.
- Chocolate solves everything, even during Lent. And it sounds even better when call it Chocolat.
happy wednesday!
I loooooooooooved Little Giants!
Ha! This is SO cute! I learned about the flying v in the same way :)
I luuurved ALL the Mighty Ducks movies! And Little Giants, too! :-) You have such good taste!
I haven't seen many movies lately, but I've learned a lot from Barney. Like "sharing is fun" and "anything is possible if we all just work together."
Ha ha, this was clever! I tend to learn a lot from books and movies. I just read The Birth of Venus and learned so much about Florence during the Renaissance.
i love love love this post! oh gosh i can hardly think straight...what have i learned from movies??? hmm...well the 'based on the true life stories' always intrigue me so much i go on the 'net and learn about the people they are based on (think: remember the titans, a beautiful mind, american gangster, catch me if you can, freedom fighters...) AND i learned, from one of my all time favourite movies Ghost - that when you die "the feeling inside (love), you take it with you." i heart that movie. i may have to borrow this as a post idea...with credit to you naturally.
wow, you basically just named ALL of my favorite guilty pleasure movies in this one lil post :) Whenever I go to a hockey game, i pray that one of the teams will break out the flying v and next time I get a speeding ticket, I'll blame keanu (or the future mr. chou) :P
Haven't seen lots of movies recently, but did get some killer "clubbin" tips from Tina Fey in Baby Mama (love her!). Plus hoping to learn LOADS from the new twilight movie coming out in nov - am OBSESSED with all of the books!
I am dead at your confessions re Hearst, Pulitzer, and Tesla!
Oh man, so many of these are true for me as well! Especially the thing about Tesla--it's crazy though, because after I saw the movie I swear I heard "Tesla this" and "Tesla that" EVERYWHERE!!!
Now that you know Hearst was a real guy, you and your boy have to take a trip to Hearst Castle in San Simeon, Calif! It's sooo cool!
It's a drive by fruiting!
A person with AIDS isn't scary. Thanks Philadelphia.
I seriously love you blog. You witticisms (this is a word, right?) amuse me everyday!
Nights in Rodanthe taught me that even though you are staying in a beach house during a hurricane, your car that you parked underneath said beach house will start right up and not have a scratch on it. Hmmm...I don't think I'll try it...
Charlie Wilson's War is another great one. So few people know what went down in Afghanistan and why parts of the current war might never have happened if a few precautions had been taken.
Woo movies are educational! Don't forget too that a human head weighs 8 pounds!
Great (and thought provoking!) post!
I learned about how shoddily people were treated in mental institutions and how creepy lobotomies are in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".
Sorry I've been so MIA. Waaaay too busy!!!
hilarious about newsies. hilarious that you admitted it.
sante feeeeeeee
Ha, Mrs. Doubtfire might just be in my personal top ten...it never fails to crack me up!
I learned that it doesn't matter if bad things happen, life goes on :) Or at least it keeps going.
i love love love newsies. i haven't watched it in forever, maybe i'll pull out the vhs LOL
i looooove movies!!!!!
This post says it all.
Movies really have
so much for us to
all learn from.
Mmmhmm. Loves it.
The Mighty Ducks...
how I adoreeee.
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