Monday, December 21, 2009

Nothing says Christmastime like tacky sweaters.

Another successful Christmas party has come and gone and if it wasn't such an ordeal to organize and clean up after I'd do every weekend! So want to hear about it? Of course you do!

Friday: Had a relaxing night in with Matt as we watched some TV and did some prep for our big party on Saturday. So basically a wonderful night in.

Saturday: The big day! Got up early to do lots and lots of cleaning and shopping and prepping and Wii Fitting and all that jazz before heading over to my friend Kimmy's graduation for her Masters degree (woo woo superstar!). After her graduation I was in full crazy mode as I helped Matt finish setting up (even though he'd done most of it already, seriously he is awesome) and then we were on our way to my uncle's 50th birthday party. The party was so fun! I can't believe I only got one picture but it was a great night to hang out with my family, have delicious food and just a good time all around.

No me, my mom and my sister did not plan to coordinate,
but we do look adorable if I do say so.

At about 8:45 I felt like Cinderella as Matt and I made the mad dash out of the party and down the street (well a couple streets and street lights) to our place to get ready for our annual Tacky Sweater Party! And it was hilarious that as we showed up my friend AJ was sitting on top of our cooler, hilarious sweater on and beer in hand ready to party, haha.

And before we knew it people were arriving, drinks were being made, and all sorts of awesome was going on and there are plenty of pictures to prove it.

Matt and I rockin our Christmas best
in front of our tree! love it!

I'm pretty sure AJ and I do not take normal pictures.

the 25th friends (minus 1) together again!

it was a high school reunion of sorts, haha.
love that so many hs kids showed up!

Court and I rocking the silly faces
to go with
our silly sweaters.

some of our fabulous party goers
enjoying the party outside.

Amanda, Matt and Marisa, heart these girls!

Mike's menorah sweater all lit up, literally and
Tiffany trying not to be blinded
by its awesomeness, haha.

love Dennis' homemade Christmas sweater.

Steve and Karen posing in front of our tree, tre cute.

getting ready to take some peppermint patty shots,
aka amazingness.

a riveting game of apples to apples that went
on for a good portion of the night and was highly
amusing to watch.

Matt and AJ wrapping up the night, woo.

So basically it was another successful party. People didn't leave until about 2:30 or so and then even after that we had five people crash on our floor/couch and we didn't sleep til about 3:30ish and man it was awesome. No Mariah Carey sing alongs this year but I think that was a smart move, haha. Pretty much I cannot wait until our next party because I love having people over and hanging out with friends and just having a fabulous time.

Sunday: I think my two tweets of the day sum up the morning. Me, Matt, AJ and my sister were pretty much incredibly lazy lounging about our apartment all morning/afternoon watching football, drinking water, eating breakfast burritos and being insanely ridiculous. It was quite the way to spend the day and I couldn't have done it any other way. Eventually we cleaned up a bit and got ready to go and went with Michaela's family to see A Christmas Carol performed. It was so much fun to see a Christmas play and hang out with little kids and laugh and just have another good night. Eventually we made it home to just relax and recover and it was loverly.

Basically I could do this weekend all over again and I would do it the same way and have just as much fun. But alas this week is Christmas and I can tell it will be a great week indeed!!

And how was your weekend? Do anything Christmassy??

Oh and don't forget to enter my HP dm3 laptop giveaway!

happy monday!


*~Dani~* said...

That party looks like it was so much fun! i cannot believe you were at another party right up until the time your guests were supposed to arrive at your house. I would have been a nervous wreck!

Rachel said...

How awesome girly!! Love all the pictures... look like y'all had an awesome time!! :)

Anonymous said...

You look like you have great friends!

Allison M. said...

the menorah sweater rocks.

Matt said...

HAHAHA, very stylish!

ria said...

love all the ugly sweaters!

CIP said...

Your parties always look like soo much fun! Jealous over here!

Blicious said...

CUTE pics!!! i love holiday parties! The bf and i always do theme parties. last year was ugly sweaters but this year was red and white. :)


Kate said...

With the actually make that sweater vest work! It's a rare person that could pull that off!

Ashley said...

Looks like great fun! I love those ugly sweater parties, the combinations are hilarious.

Gemma said...

we're doing an ugly sweater party at my work tomorrow! your vest is priceless!

The Wonder Worrier said...

Hi there! I happened to click on a BlogHer link that led to your Blog, and then stuck around and caught up on some of your past posts. Seeing as how I love pretty much all the stuff you seem to love (Um, HELLO Joshua Jackson? Titanic/Kate Winslet/Leo? HIMYM, Glee, Twilight, Sandra Bullock, etc etc etc), I've decided to add you to my Google Reader, hope that's alright!

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Jay Ferris said...

The only thing tackier than a bad Christmas sweater? A bad Christmas vest. Well played Katelin, well played.

Bayjb said...

Christmas vest Katelin? Well done. I love the look on you. Can we work that into your daily waredrobe

Unknown said...

ahem... i found a typo silly. mike's menorah sweater not matt lol. i figured you would know this :)

anywho, fun party sis! the morning pow wow was fun times indeed

amanda said...

it's safe to say i've never been to an ugly sweater christmas party, yet i'm always envious of the peeps that get to go them! maybe i'll throw one next year. . .

Bogart said...

Did AJ actually pay for that sweater?

Boy how the mighty have fallen!