Monday, June 21, 2010

Loverly sorts of loverliness.

Why hello there Monday, not so great to see you as I thoroughly enjoy my weekends but alas you are here. And how was my weekend you ask? Well let's share shall we:

Friday: On a whim Matt and I decided to have a little date night at P.F. Chang's. We sat outside and had delicious food and a good time and it was just loverly all around. After dinner we came home and played the Wii for a little bit which was fun since we hadn't done that in a while. Eventually we made our way over to our friend Gianni and Laura's place to hang out since they're leaving on a big trip and moving to San Fran soon. It was nice to just hang and talk and laugh and have cookies and just have fun.

Saturday: Slept in for a bit which was all sorts of fabulous. Woke up to run some errands which was awesome. One of my errands included a trip to Best Buy where one of my best purchases occurred.

amazingness personified.

Seriously I went just to get the Eclipse soundtrack because as a devoted Twilight fan it was about time I owned it but instead I got Glee and Gaga too and ah! Heavenly!! So pretty much my whole day was spent listening to all of my new CDs and then my mom and sister came over and we worked on putting the invitations together all afternoon and it was all sorts of family bonding and loverly.

After the invite party I was on my way to Jenn's place for a little Nintendo sponsored night of Netflix fun. It was a good night of pizza eating, sangria drinking, new friend making, Nick and Nora watching and some Rock Band playing. Pretty much a fun night all around.

Sunday: Woke up early and met my family at Roscoe's for a little Father's Day chicken and waffles yumminess. After breakfast we all went our separate ways for the afternoon and despite all sorts of neck soreness Matt and I went to Universal Studios for a couple hours which was fun. It was a nice day and we hit up the tram ride and the Mummy and the Simpsons ride which is just so fun.

I feel like a kid again.

After Universal I took an oh so glorious nap while Matt went over to his dad's house to get start getting dinner ready. Eventually my family went over to Matt's dad's house for dinner and it was loverly. I love when our families can get together and just have a good time. Basically it was a fun night with food and laughs and our dads chatting and everyone else hanging out and eating and it was just loverly all around. The rest of the night was spent watching Big Bang Theory and my sister finishing off the invitations (seriously I owe her so much right now, thanks Kourt!) and drinking wine and ah, heavenly.

And how was your weekend? All sorts of fabulous and loverly I hope.

happy monday!


alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

i like the word "loverly" a lot.



Anonymous said...

The Glee CD is amazing. I like to listen to it in the car at top volume because when I'm drowned out by the music I could almost be Rachel! And by "almost," I mean it's still not close.

Angela Noelle said...

Oh, Glee, how I heart thee :) Glee music is on a pretty constant rotation in my car and when I'm doing chores around the house. It just makes everything so much more fun!

Allison M. said...

wait a hot second,

you are just getting Gaga's new Cd now?

Nora said...

Can you explain what chicken & waffles is (are)? I've heard of it but never ever have I seen it. I'm intrigued.

Hope you had fun at the Wii/Netflix party! I had mine on Saturday too =)

Julie Q said...

Congrats to buying CD's! I'd written those off as non existent ;) but you've proved me wrong. tehehe

Universal Studios FTW! I wish I could just randomly hit one up on a sunday! jealous

Breathe Gently said...

Omg, I LOVE the Mummy ride at Universal. I think I dragged everyone on it a few times in a row while we were there. I can't help it. I'm a theme park freak. :D

Sounds like an awesome weekend. How's the Eclipse soundtrack? I really should go preview it!

lbluca77 said...

On my to do list is get Lady Gaga's new cd. I feel so late to the party.

Jessica (Bayjb) said...

Sounds like a great weekend! I haven't been to PF Changs in FOREVER! Good call and I support your CD purchases too.