Monday, April 27, 2009

Big Birthday, even bigger news!

aka The best birthday in the history of all of my birthdays Part I.

First of all, thank you, thank you, thank you everyone for the fabulous birthday wishes and tweets and Facebook posts and everything, it was so incredibly sweet and you are all rock stars.

Secondly, remember when I said that Matt told me he got the "best present in the history of presents"? Yeah well his present definitely lived up to his claim. It was the best present I could ever possibly ask for.

Backing up a bit, Friday at work was awesome. Got to go to lunch with some coworkers and after lunch we were supposed to have a meeting but instead we went and had cupcakes and it was great. Even better my boss let me leave a bit early so I could make it home in time for the plans Matt had made.

So I get home, get all dolled up for dinner and we hit the road. Before I know it we're by LAX but I wasn't really paying attention too much. Matt "missed" his exit and we ended up having to go to LAX which I still didn't really think about as anything and before I knew it we had pulled up to a gate and there was my best friend Jen!!! Matt had flown her in for my birthday. I most definitely screamed and jumped out of the car and cried a bit from happiness and ah! It was such an awesome surprise.

After we got Jen we headed back up to Pasadena and Matt said we were going to stop at our apartment so Jen could drop her stuff off and what not. So we walk in to the apartment and this is what I saw...

I squealed yet again!! My parents had come over and decorated with birthday signs and balloons and dropped off the dinner Matt had ordered and even left a pitcher of margaritas! Seriously it was so cute. I was so excited to have dinner in with two of my favorite people and talk and drink and just have a good time.

After dinner was done Matt said he had one more gift for me but it was outside so I had to walk out with him. Then he stopped me on our porch and told me to close my eyes while he went to go get it. I was such a nerd and said I didn't want to keep my eyes closed because I was afraid of the bugs. But before I knew it Matt told me to open my eyes and when I did he was on one knee in front of me with the most perfect ring ever. He didn't even have time to propose before I started crying and saying "ohmygod are you serious?! are you serious?!" I was such a teary, goofy mess and eventually Matt got up and asked me to marry him. And I yelled out "of course!!"

And Jen, being the best friend that she is stayed inside ready with the camera for when we came back in. So she got these great shots of the newly engaged us! Ah! I still can't believe it!


kisses and more kisses!

of course I had to get a picture with Jen!
ah! so glad she was here to share it with me.

letting our family and friends know

toasting to our future marriage...ohmygosh marriage!
haha, I still can't get over it.
obviously. :)

and Jen took a picture of the ring,
I am very much in love with it

So folks that was my Friday and my goodness I couldn't be any happier.

Part II of the birthday coming tomorrow and then I promise the Joshua Jackson story, but you can't blame me for posting this first :)

happy monday!


LizSara said...

Hugest of huge great big massive congratulations!

Lexilooo said...

ohhhh my gosh, congratulations! that is so exciting!

haha, when I read the part where he said the best present in the history of presents, I thought to myself "he's going to propose!" and then the stop at lax totally threw me! yay matt, huge congratulations to you both, and happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I've been lurking a long time but I had to delurk for a wonderful post like this! When I read the boy was going to give you the best present in the history of presents, I too thought you were going to be proposed to! Through me off when I saw he flew in your friend!

How sweet that your parents were involved! One lucky lady you are!

Enjoy this time in your life!

Missy said...

Congratulations! That is amazing news, and really the most awesome birthday present. Love the pics, you both look totally ecstatic.

Anonymous said...

Amazing, congratulations! :)

marisa rose said...

Yayness! I totally secretly thought this would happen.

Vanessa said...

Oh Katelin! Congratulations! What an amazing birthday! From everything you write about him he sounds like the perfect guy, what he put into this birthday just seals that deal. The ring is gorgeous and you make a gorgeous couple. I am so happy for you, enjoy your cloud nine!

Jamie said...

OMG Katelin! You have me all teary right now.

Congrats!! I'm so so soooo happy for you. We are celebrating in June when we are in Vegas!

Lily said...

YAY! That is SO SWEET! And I was REALLY hoping that's where you were going with the whole "really was the best present ever!" part... And that your parents and best friend got to be there too?

I can't wait to meet you both in Vegas and say CONGRATS in person!

But for now - CONGRATS!!!

Daddy Dan said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is one great surpriser of a guy you have there. I had a feeling that's what his 'surprise to end all surprises' would be :) Congrats girlie :)

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

i knew it i knew it i knew it!!!

congratulations you guys!!

so happy for you :)

Lacey Bean said...

OMG congrats! What a great birthday and a great way to propose! :) Matt's a sweetie. We'll definitely have to celebrate when I'm in LA again, and this time it will definitely happen!

Andhari said...

CONGRATULATIONSSSSSSS, it's certainly a memorable birthday!:)

Jen said...

I'm so excited and happy for you!! Congratulations!! :)

Ginger said...

OMG, OMG, OMG! This is so exciting! Can't wait to hear of all your wedding planning through the blog. Happy Birthday! Happy Engagement!

Pretty Unfamous said...

Oh wow, that's so exciting! Congratulations!! I love hearing engagement stories. Wishing you the best!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Okay, this entry made me teary and i was THERE! Haha. Hope you guys had a good weekend - I'm so glad I got to share it with you!


Jen and my new BFF Tina Fey

Mandy said...

Katelin, CONGRATULATIONS!! That is so exciting and sweet. I am so happy for yo. Big hugs!

Little Miss Obsessive said...

That's so sweet.. congrats!!!!

Andrea said...

I might have just audibly squealed a little at work. Good thing it's 7:30 in the morning and no one is here to listen to me embarrass myself. OMIGOD, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy for you! That IS the Most Perfect Ring Ever!

thatShortchick said...


CONGRATS to you and Matt!!!

Anonymous said...

sigh...that is so sweet! Conrats! I can't wait to read about all the stories and the wedding planning. :)

Unknown said...

Oh Katelin!! Congrats!! I've been reading your blog for a while despite the fact that I don't comment too often and I love you and Matt, who wouldn't. You guys are beyond cute and I am sooooo happy for you :-)

Michelle and the City said...

Congratulations!!!! Such a sweet way to surprise you for your birthday! You definitely have a great guy on your hands :)

Virginia said...

I know I told you about eleventy billion times already, but CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!!! Holy cow, I am so excited for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Dude, totally knew that was coming. What a terrific birthday present! And you guys are so wonderful together.

Can't wait to see what comes of your future together!

Heidi said...

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!

Happy belated birthday and best wishes on the engagement gal! xox

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!! thats soooooo great! i'm so happy for you :) What a fabulous birthday and what a FABULOUS ring!! Happy belated birthday!

Kyla said...

CONGRATULATIONS! That's so exciting! Enjoy! =)

Amanda said...

Oh my gosh! Congrats!!! That sounds like a ridiculously amazing birthday :)

JAMIE said...

Congrats! So exciting!!

margot said...

omg, thats amazing, congratulations!

Maxie said...


nicole antoinette said...

YES! I knew it! OMG YES! WEEEE!!!

Ashley said...

omg. so exiting!! congrats girl, and happy bday!

sarahdotcom said...



Erin W said...

Congrats!! Um, so now that you're taken, Joshua Jackson is all MINE, btw. :)

Mrs. Case said...

Somehow I KNEW that was what his big surprise was going to be!


Nanette said...


Congrats! And best wishes!

And although it's been FOREVER since I got married, let me know if you need any local wedding planning advice. I got TONS of recs for ya. ;)

amanda said...

that is AMAZING! ahhh...congrats.
i was wondering if the best
birthday presents of all was
going to be an engagement ring.
that matt-what a guy!

the ring is gorgeous-it looks
dazzling on your finger.

the picture of you two both on the
phones is so cute! wooooo.

(and because matt proposing is
SOOOO much cooler than you meeting
joshua, *even though that's still cool* i can totally wait for the story on that!)

congrats, my love. i hope you're
simply relishing in the moment!

apricot tea. said...

I literally have tears in my eyes STILL after reading this. What a beautiful birthday! I had a feeling there was a proposal involved when I saw the "even bigger news" in your title...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! You both look so incredibly happy & you make the most beautiful couple. I am so, so happy for you both. Ahhh. I'm still all teary-eyed! I'm just so happy for you both! Congratulations... again. :]

Jane said...

Oh my gosh, congratulations! I am in tears at work! That is such an amazing, sweet story.

weezermonkey said...

Wonderful news! Best wishes!

San said...

OMG, Katelin! what a wonderful birthday and what an even more wonderful birthday surprise!! Congratulations to your engagement!! Woohoo!!!

Too Many Brain Tabs said...

Yay! Being engaged is so much fun. My fiance proposed exactly a month ago and it has been soooo great saying "I HAVE A FIANCE" whenever I feel like it. :-P Happy planning!

Mermanda said...

AW! Congrats! Great proposal story :D

AND it must be true love if you are putting Joshua Jackson on the back burner...

Enjoy the planning process. And don't let your family boss you around too much.

Bayjb said...

OMFG I cannot believe it. Congratulations girl. I'm so happy for you and now really can't wait for Vegas to see it in person!!!

Sarah said...

awww congratulations to you both!!

Justine said...

OMG, that's awesome! Congratulations, girly! Andy happy birthday again xxx

Lauren said...

Ok I'm getting teary eyed reading this! That's the best birthday ever! How fabulous to have your best friend there (!!) AND get engaged (!!!) Congratulations to you two...and happy birthday!!!

Exclamation marks!!

erin said...

Oh my goodness! Mega congrats. You two are a match made in heaven. =D

Allison M. said...

I knew it was coming! What would be the best birthday present? You already met Craig David and Joshua Jackson so of course it had to be a ring.

Janet said...

Congratulations! What a fabulous birthday surprise!

Dani said...

Have to de-lurk to say CONGRATS on your engagement! That is the sweetest proposal I've ever seen! :)

Kerri W. said...

I can't tell you how happy I am for you. :) You guys are just the sweetest couple ever and you will make the most wonderful wife! This is such a sweet story, and I look forward to the day you will join the ranks of us married ladies. Heehee.

I wish you and your fiance (yaaay!) the very, very best things in the world! :)

steph anne said...

wow congratulations!!! planning the wedding is so much fun - have fun doing that. :)

Ashley // Our Little Apartment said...

Ahhhh! YAY! :)

Congrats, I'm so happy for you!!!! I love how you both look a little teary-eyed in the first picture. (Unless you're stoned. Which would just be weird. Hehe.)

Hillary said...

Congratulations!! I'm not going to lie, I got a little teary while reading this.

megabrooke said...

ahhh!!!! congratulations lady!!! this is one birthday you will NEVER forget!!!

brandyismagic said...

Best birthday ever!!! What a wonderful and memorable time for the both of you. Oh lovely, I'm so happy with this news! Congratulations!

Julie Q said...

AAAHHHH!!!! you just totally made me forget that I feel like crap from being sick, cos i am SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! Congrats to you and Matt!!! And your ring is gorgeous, princess cut, correct? me too if thats the case :) :) aahhhhhhhhh this just made my day

Rahul said...

Are you marrying joshua jackson?

Mrs. Charlie Conway.


A Super Girl said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! When you said that Matt told you it would be the "birthday present to beat all birthday presents", I kind of wondered if this was what he excited that it was!!

molly said...

congratulations!!!! thats so exciting - you guys make a fantastic couple

michelle woo said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!! Happy for yoooooooou!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh congratulations! woo hoo x100000!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! Congrats you two!!

Chris said...

Yay! Congrats! Ah! So exciting!!!

Shelley said...

I accidentally (thanks to my ADD reading style) skipped over the part about the proposal because I was looking at the pictures and then was confused why you were calling relatives but then when I realized what I missed there were definitely a lot of "oh my god" and squealing coming from me. Congrats x a MILLION!

So excited for you. What a birthday.

Katy said...

i saw that you got engaged through wishcake's twitter---I'm such a engagement story stalker that I HAD TO comment! i just got engaged a month and a half ago and even to a guy named Matt as well! HAHA! Crazy! :-) So i just wanted to say congrats! That's a great story! I still can't stop looking at my ring and somehow all of a sudden I became left handed when I got the ring. Interesting huh?! HAHA! Anyways--enjoy this time! it's so great!

Anonymous said...

I threw up when my ex boyfriend asked me to marry him. It's awesome you didn't, signs of a happily ever after.


rachaelgking said...


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! Holy crap I am so excited for you!!!!

Clint Schaff said...

Congratulations, Katelin. What a couple!

KA said...

that's so amazing! I'm happy for you and slightly envious! You look incredibly happy! I'm getting engaged soon, and this makes me all gooey inside.

Caz said...

eeee congrats! I think you just got my insane Tweet and I totally opened Google reader and skipped RIGHT over to your post so I could read it.

OMG that's FABULOUS! Congrats to both you and Matt, I am so happy/excited for you. :-D

Stephanie Olsen said...


MARRIED LIFE IS THE BEST! Love ya hon! So excited for you!

Anonymous said...

eeek! Congratulations! That's one beautiful ring and one beautiful couple. You look ecstatic.

Anonymous said...


you deserve, you guys are so adorable, all of that was so so sweet of him. aw, tear. so happy for you.

.jimaie.marie. said...

Awwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! this story is SO sweet, it gave me goosebumps!! you looked GORGEOUS on your bday!! Can you not stop staring at your ring? LOL it's beautiful! What a birthday, I'd say that was definitely a winner!! Wwooooooo!!!! Good job Matt!! :D

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! Congratulations!!!! This is awesome news :) Happy Birthday too! It sounds like one hell of a birthday! :)

Kate said...

What an adorable birthday and proposal story. And what an amazing ring!!

Janet said...

holy cow that is sooooo awesome! and amazing and loving. congrats!

Daniela said...

Congratulations! I wish both of you all the best!

sarah marie p said...

Congrats Katelin! YAYYYY! SO happy for you guys! You guys are the cutest ever! Yes, that seriously was the best birthday present ever! Your ring is gorgeous! SO SO exciting! Can't wait to read all about your journey of planning your wedding!

Oh, and happy happy birthday! xoxo

sarah marie p said...

p.s. Love your dress! You look so pretty! Oh, and the surprise food and margaritas and your bestie Jen are just so wonderful too! Def best birthday ever!

Anonymous said...


Katie said...

:::bringing tears to my eyes::::

congratulations Katelin! ha ha I think I'm more excited for you than some of my high school and IRL friends who have gotten engaged!

Ashley D said...

WOOHOOO!! This is HUGE! I'm so excited for you! Congratulations! :)

heidikins said...

Yay Yay and Double Yay!!! This si so exciting!!!! Squee!!


(Securit word: "Surer". Katelin and Matt have never been surer of anything than how much they are mooshy, twitterpated, in-love.)

La Petite Chic said...

I almost squealed very loudly in my cube when I read this! CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm thrilled for you! That is the best birthday ever, indeed!!

Kateastrophe said...

So i read this from my BlackBerry YESTERDAY while DRIVING (very dangerous. Shh don't tell my Mom) and I almost cried for joy!

Then I promptly forgot to get to the office and leave a comment.

I have a Matt and I can honestly say they are the BEST. What a great birthday and a great engagement story.

You guys are awesome. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

SO, forgive how behind I am but CONGRATULATIONS! HOW EXCITING, you must be thrilled:) Enjoy your engagement, it will go quickly -- and it just keeps getting better !!!!

PS I gave you an award:

Ann-Marie said...

Hi there, I came across your blog on the 20something Bloggers group and wanted to comment-- even though I don't know you, haha, but your post was so sweet and full of excitement that I had to say congratulations :)

Larissa said...

I don't check my reader for a few days, and THIS is what I miss?!?!!

Huge, massive congratulations!!!

stealthnerd said...

Sheesh, I will never get behind on my reader again--I'm sorry I'm late with this but...


Tia said...

DUDE. how did i miss this???


Vicky - said...

Congratulations! x

Vicky - said...

Congratulations! x

Grits said...

Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! soooo happy for you! :-) What a wonderful birthday! (and an engagement on my wedding day...AWESOME!)

yhanne said...


Hollywood Sucker said...

OMG I step out of the blogging universe for like a month and I miss all the goods.

Congrats! And welcome to the embarrassing obsession that is Wedding Planning.

Julie said...

Ok seriously! I agree will Hollywood sucker...

This is super exciting!

I wish you both the best and CANNOT wait to read along when you plan!

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KellyBrown273 said...

Congratssssssss !!!!!!!!!!! Is AMAZINGGGG :X and really the most awesome birthday present. Love the pics, you both look totally ecstatic!! Best regards :)

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Anonymous said...

Wow! That is one great surpriser of a guy you have there. I had a feeling that's what his 'surprise to end all surprises' would be :) Congrats girlie :)

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