Monday, December 29, 2008

Santa thought I was on the good list.

I love Christmas. Have I said that before, I forget? haha. Clearly I was in the Christmas mood for a long time and I can't believe it's come and gone already. Anyhoo I didn't post on Friday because man I was just too tired, but Christmas and the weekend were amazing and I loved it all. So here's the recap in short (at least I'll try) and with plenty of pictures...woo!:

Thursday: Christmas! Matt and I woke up early to share our presents with each other and do our own Christmas. It was so fun. Our tree started out looking like this which I loved:

After we did our Christmas I headed over to my parent's house, where Matt came over later and did some gifts with my family. Eventually we headed to his dad's house afterward and then to his brother's girlfriend's parent's house, and back to my parent's house and eventually I ended my night at my cousin's house for the big family shindig.

Matt and my fam on Christmas, so cute

Aw the cousins

love this picture,
apparently something was hilarious

my sister embracing the Mary spirit, haha

Basically it was a day spent all over the place but I loved it (even if the weather was less than agreeable). And Santa even gave me some of stuff off of my list which is always nice too:

Santa got me a picture of a Wii with money to Best Buy behind it
and Matt got me the Twilight box set
and the super cute necklace from Etsy I asked for

Twas an oh so lovely Christmas.

Friday: I most definitely did not turn my alarm on and enjoyed the perks of sleeping in. Afterward I ran some errands around town, searched for a Wii to no avail, and eventually came home to a marathon of Say Yes to the Dress. Matt came home from work to me curled up on the couch enjoying a nice long nap too, so that basically sums up my whole day, haha. Eventually some friends came over and we headed out to the bar. It was a fun night seeing some old high school classmates and all around just having a good time.

Mat and the guys at the bar

All in all twas another lovely night out.

Saturday: Woke early to do some more Wii searching, Matt actually left to hit a couple stores in what I called the great Wii Quest. I stayed home and cleaned up a bit before my friend Alli from college stopped on by. Alli and I hung out a bit and my apartment until Matt showed up with a nice new Christmas present to himself/us, haha:

I must say, I'm a fan. All we have to do now is upgrade our cable to HD and we'll be set. Anyhoo we finally headed off to lunch which was great catching up and hanging out, it'd be a year since I'd seen her which in my opinion is way too long.

After Alli left Matt and I hit up a couple more stores searching for a Wii to no avail sadly. We made it home just in time for me to nap away some sickness and get ready to leave for my sister's birthday at Pirates Dinner Adventure.

So yes about 20 of my family and my sister's friends headed to Buena Park for a night of pirateness at Pirates Dinner Adventure. We went there last year for Matt's birthday and it was so much fun. Basically a lot of arrgggghing and aye ayeing and awesomeness. Matt, my dad and uncle all volunteered for some preshow fun, my sister's birthday got announced and one of my little brothers got called up during the show. So cute.

the guys all pirated out

Matt and I enjoying some pirateness

some of the show

my sister and our pirate, the purple pirate

Despite not really being able to breathe it was a great night, loved it.

Sunday: Still plagued by sickness I slept in a bit, which was nice. Matt headed off to watch football at his dad's house and some of my HS girl friends came over which was so fun. I don't think all of us had been together for a long long time, so it was great to see everyone. We went to Panera which made the day even better since it's so freaking tasty. After lunch the girls came back here to hang out and chat for a bit which was so fun and nice. After they all headed off I took a nice long nap and basically spent the rest of my night relaxing with Matt, drinking tea and trying to get better. Hopefully I'm 100% by New Year's because bringing in the New Year sick would just not be cool.

Anyhoo I've rambled long enough, and how was your Christmas and weekend?
Hope it was absolutely fabulous!

happy monday!


Maxie said...

Santa was good to me too :-) Apparently he thought I behaved myself this year? Silly santa.

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

looks like you did good this year! also, that pirate dinner show is hilarious, i have never heard of something like that.

Andréa said...

1. I am totally jealous of that neckalce... has to be the cutest!
2. I am sad you did not find a Wii. Last year my hubs, mom and dad searched high and low and finally foudn a Wii 2 days before Xmas. Phew!
3. Can I just say you have the cutest family. My family would never go Pirating :)

Vanessa said...

Hooray for the Wii! You will have so much fun!

Anonymous said...

looks like you had a fantastic holiday season! that pirate dinner is something i would totally do at least once just for the fun of it!

CIP said...

Santa was really good to me also :)

Wow, I love your tree with all the wrapped presents under it! So pretty!

Anonymous said...

I never heard of Pirates Dinner Adventure. Sounds so fun! Must go now. Haha.

Allison said...

It sounds like you had a fabulous Christmas and weekend. I hope you feel better soon so you can have a fabulous new years also. Take care and get well soon. :D

Allison said...

Oh and I hope you find a Wii ASAP!

Chris said...

Hey do you have Fred Meyer down there? Wiis were sold out all over around here except for that store. They had like 100. I'm serious. If you're thinking you're not going to be able to find one for a long time maybe we can work something out? It's not that far to ship from Oregon down there. Tony and I have been obsessed with ours.

thatShortchick said...

i think your best bet may be to wait until the first full week of january to find a wii. although my neighborhood best buy had quite a few this weekend.

keep trying, you'll find one!

Blicious said...

CUTE pics!!! Merry Christmas! :)

molly said...

awesome pictures, merrry christmas!
haha i love the picture of you and your friend laughing, definitely sums up what the hoidays are all about!

Mandy said...

I hope you find a Wii soon! I had a great Christmas as well, one of my cousins was married on Saturday so we had a lot of fun.

d said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas!!

Auburn Kat said...

I hope you find the Wii soon!!! I really love mine although I don't use it as much as I should!

Anonymous said...

Aww! Such a good Christmas! =)
I hope you find your Wii soon!

Piper said...

Sounds and looks like you had a fabulous christmas! Hope you find you present!

Bayjb said...

Great pictures! looks like you were extra good this year. So jealous :)

Anonymous said...

I had a pretty good stash of things for me under the Chanukah bush. Books, movies, CDs, and some speakers for my iPod. Color me happy. :)

Anonymous said...

sounds wonderful! looks like you were really, really good :) hope you find your wii soon!

Bogart said...

Sounds like a great time and the pics show that it was!

*~Dani~* said...

Looks like Santa was good to you! Glad to hear you had a Merry Christmas. Happy New Year!

sarah marie p said...

Merry Christmas to you! Love all the pictures! Your tree looks great all decked out! Wah, I don't wanna take my tree down!