Thursday, April 3, 2008

I rave and I rant.

So there two things I'd like to address in this post today, and as the title so clearly says, one is a rave while one is a rant, well sort of. Just read.

The rave:

[insert squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!]

Ah! New Kids on the Block have officially released their first promo pic together in over fourteen years, color me happy. The guys all look so good. Danny still looks sort of creepy, but then again, he always did. even has some behind the scenes of the photo shoot, check it out (swoon). And even more exciting, the guys are performing on the Today Show tomorrow and will supposedly announce a reunion tour!!@?!@)(*$! Ah! I don't care how much tickets are, I have to go! And hey it would be putting my tax refund to a good cause :)

The rant:

I need a quick vent. America's Next Top Model. We all know I love this show. I watch the marathons of episodes I've already seen, I love Tyra in all her craziness, I can tell you all about the girls this season, etc. But last night I was sort of upset. No I'm not talking about who got kicked off (granted that did make me mad, but I won't say who it was for anyone that hasn't watched it yet) but when it came to Whitney, the "plus size" model. Umm. It was revealed that Whitney is a size 10. A 10!? I'm a 10. And probably the same height as her. And I have the same measurements as Tyra (height, chest, weight). So I'm a plus size? Or is she only plus size because all the other models are a size 2 (not counting Fatima who is a 00, WTF?! Eat woman!)? I don't know what I'm trying to say, I know the modeling industry is crazy and is all about size 2's and 4's but to me for a woman to be that tall and that thin is not always the most attractive thing. And Tyra of all people should know this. Tyra is not a skinny woman but she isn't a plus size model either, so I guess I'm just stumped. So now I just hope Whitney continues to rock it for all the "plus size" ladies out there:

happy thursday!


megabrooke said...

so, i be raving with you on the NKOTB reunion.

but, i didnt read your rant yet on ANTM because i need to watch this week's episode!

ill be back!

Tia said...

NKOTB!! yay!!! wow, i used to love them.

The Ex said...

I think it’s sort of an insult to actual plus size women. I mean TEN IS FAT? Well I’m an 18 what does that make me? Barf Barf Barf. I hate weight. I hate that it ever gets discussed. Feeling pretty and happy should be all that matters.

Dolce said...

She's a size 10? She doesn't look it.

As for NKOTB, OMG! I can't wait. Joe was ALWAYS my favorite, I think he kind of looks like Casey Affleck, maybe it's the Boston thing. I was never a Jordan fan, and I'm so happy! Especially after how wierd he was on the Surreal Life.

Lacey Bean said...

I agree with you on the plus size thing - the modeling world is stupid for that.

And I loooooove that you posted that NKOTB video! Oh how I missed them. Well not really, but I'm excited anyway!!

Think they can all hit those high notes still?

Jamie Lovely said...

Whitney is plus sized in the modeling world. Definitely not in the real world. I'm a 10 too, I don't think I am plus sized at all.

It's just in modeling though. Normal size in modeling is a 2 and if you think about it, a lot of models are underweight for their height. THAT is not "normal". It doesn't make it right, but it is just fashion.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the New Kids have definitely aged well. I'm kinda impressed.

And, wow...10 is plus size? That just goes to show how skewed the ideals of beauty are these days. I think most models are grossly skinny.

B said...

I really don't understand the fascination with being overly tiny. Like, at all.

I like my hips!

L Sass said...

I love Whitney! She does have kind of a mean streak, but I think she's BY FAR the best plus size model they've ever had on ANTM. I hope she wins!

Anonymous said...

women with curves are waaaaaayyy hotter.

Stephanie said...

I am almost ridiculously excited about NKOTB. And thanks for mentioning the Today Show, I will definitely be tuning in tomorrow!

Allison said...

Ok, I realize I am way behind the times here... kind of fell of the blogging band wagon... BUT I just saw your blog banner for for the first time and ridiculously got a little teary. Presh. Miss you homiga!!

nicole antoinette said...

Wow, New Kids on the Block. Now there's a serious flashback for me.

Anonymous said...

It has everything to do with not being a size two. Plus-Size in the Model World=Healthy Normal Girl in the real world.

Anonymous said...

First of all size 10 for that height is not PLUS SIZE! Who came up with that stupidness! Size 10 is normal for someone that height. But I have to admit I was shocked when they said Whit was a size 10. I was like that's it! I did think she was bigger.

RE: NKOTB, don't kill me but I just realized I didn't even know Jon or Danny. I was always so focused on Joe, and Jordan the rest were just kind of side orders.

LBIC said...

It's not plus size. It's crazy how the sizes for models have shrink within the past twenty years. my mom's friend was a model and she said the sample sizes for runway used to be 6-8 in the late eighties/early nineties. now they're 0-2

Jenni said...

I am totally with you both your rave & your rant.

NKOTB getting back together is SO exciting!!! I was trying to explaing it to Jason yesterday and he just didn't get it...but he is a few years older and I told him that it was because he was one of those boys back in the day who were jealous of NKOTB because all of the girls compared regular boys to them! :)

He still didn't get it.

And, the whole 'plus size' model thing is ridiculous! Every season my sister and I get mad when a girl who weighs maybe 135 or 140 is considered plus size...well I better start shopping in the MOO MOO department, because I am NOT a size 10!

And it disappoints me to think that if I get in better shape and make it to a 10, that I will still be considered plus size...:(

Dana said...

i was a big time NKOTB fan!!! my 1st concert ever... soooooooo long

Hollywood Sucker said...

do you think the new incarnation of NKOTB will put out posters and sleeping bags and pajamas like the old school NKOTB?

<3 J. said...

I always felt kinda bad for Donny..

because Markkkyy is so freaking cute! ahhh swoon.

except for that whole funky bunch phase. ew.

aschlee said...

OH MY WORD, are you serious NKOTB reunion....aaagghh. That is soo awesome. Oh the memories lol.

Oh 'n yeah, the fashion industry needs to keep making changes like weight requirements... I agree that no Woman that's 5'7" or taller should weigh 115pnds or less. Eww. They need to show REAL women. Ok so my rant is over, lol. Nice post.

Anonymous said...

that is how i felt about the spice girls reunion. for reals.

and uhhh yah. 10 is not plus size. so. NOT.

Ashley said...

oh my gosh! Look at them! I can't believe they are coming back! i was so obsessed when I was a kid.

Princess Pointful said...

Ah! And you can pull your connections with your good friend Jordan to get us all tickets.

A Size 10 is plus sized? Go to hell, ANTM! That's smaller than the average American woman!