Friday, November 30, 2007

Fridays need some randomness too.

Well since all I did yesterday was post about random things I thought I'd just do it again because it's Friday (woot!) and because all of my shows were repeats last night, haha.

Kellie Pickler takes stupidity to a whoooooole new level here:

I want her hat!....who am I kidding here? I just love Violet and will post pictures of her for any reason I can find, haha.

And simply because they are climbing the ranks in my favorite couple department and I loooooove his music and her show, here's Katherine and Josh (ah! love them!) hangin out in Los Feliz...that's minutes away from my work. Seriously people come over here so I can say hiiiii! Pleaaaase :)

And with that:

excuse the language :)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Spinning TV Pictures (not in that order).

Apparently there really is a TV god, someone looking out for me and my love of characters and despise of others...what am I talking about you ask? Let me explain.

1. Two weeks ago on Criminal Minds Garcia was shot and pretty much left for dead. This left me throwing water bottles and squealing lines of disbelief at my television with my parents. However, last week's episode (which I still haven't seen) she lived (Hallelujah!). And last night, although her part was minimal, she was recovering and back to her witty flirty self with Derek (I heart them). So needless to say, I'm happy she's alive otherwise I don't know if I would still watch the show.

2. Anyone watch SVU? Well I do. I'm a big fan. And have been ever since I watched the reruns on USA and finally decided I should get into the present seasons a couple years ago. So with that said, a couple weeks ago Elliot went blind. Now I really wasn't too thrilled with that turn of events but luckily it only lasted one episode (whew). And this past week's episode Elliot's wife and Olivia got into a car accident and I was so sure one of them was going to die and I was not happy with it. However, they both lived and baby Stabler was born and healthy and good to go (woo!). So Dick Wolf, I forgive you for putting my favorite detectives in peril, just try not to do again for a while...okay?

3. And finally America's Next Top Model. The gods of fashion and everything that is Tyra must have been looking down upon me and said "Katelin we know you've had a hard time watching this season and seeing Heather get cover girl of the week every week so we'll do you a favor and finally get rid of her." Oh. Man. I could not have been happier. Heather was just so annoying and ridiculous and okay I'm getting a little ranty and mean here. Point is, I'm glad Heather is gone I never really liked her and didn't think she has what it takes to be a model, she's just so dang awkward. And on top of that Ty Ty was back to her crazy self last night and Miss J's fro was out of control I was highly entertained. Thank you TV gods, thank you.
Although the TV gods were looking out for me, the gods of spinning class were not too happy with me. Or maybe it was just my body laughing in my face at the fact that I thought I could do a straight hour of bike riding and jogging, haha. In a nutshell, I went to a spinning class at the gym with Megan last night and it was in a word: intense. Well maybe not even intense, I'm just a wuss and drank too much water so that I started to feel a wee bit queezy 35 minutes into the class. However I feel that if I keep it up I could last the whole class time without wussing out and just riding the bike and not jogging it or marching, whatever the heck the lady was saying. Heck I'm just glad I didn't fly off the bike or anything like that, because I feel like that could have been oh too likely for me.
And just because, here's some pics I just got from my neighbor from 4th of July, haha better late than never. The first one's my little bro on a slide and then me with a neighbor's baby, precious!
Well that's all I got for now. Have a loveeeeely Thursday!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

You found me!

So I really don't have much to blog about besides the fact that I got the new Craig David CD *insert squeals of happiness* that my sister so graciously sent me (love her!), so I thought I'd use today to blog about what so many bloggers before me have did you find me? With the schnazzy pants feature of Google Analytics you can see what key words people search to find your blog and I finally have some good ones that I'd just like to share, so here goes:

footsteps in the sand - well apparently a lot of people have searched for this one in a variety of ways and luckily they stumbled onto my blog, hopefully they stayed.

achoo can't stop sneezing - I guess I'm not alone in my sneezing habits.

hot stuff - either they were looking for me or Craig David, well you found both you lucky person you.

moldy pita - oh ew. Why would you be looking for that??? Maybe you ate some too and lived to tell the tale...yes I really hope that's it.

my bunkbed broke - wow that had to suck.

painting pedro - oh did you buy some of his paintings? Please do tell me if they were everything you thought they'd be, haha.

pass drug test - well you sneaky person you, maybe that Myspace add really did help you pass a drug test.

put some new shoes on- ooooh you got shoes too? I love my shoes. Hopefully you love them too.

Well those are most of the good ones so far, hopefully people will keep typing in random searches and come across my blog, it makes for an interesting post indeed.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Because Hollywood is more exciting than my life.

So what's happening in Hollywood? Let me share....

_The people behind The Dark Knight are going crazzzzzy with all the underground publicity and websites and phone numbers, it's awesome. The movie doesn't even come out until next July but already the Joker is on the cover of magazines and the Gotham Times has been posted online (along with the Joker's rebuttal). I loved Batman Begins and can barely wait for this one to come out....eeeeeeeeee!

_I can't talk about The Hills because I missed it last night (the horror!). So someone can fill me in because I don't know when I'll watch it, tonight maybe? I hope there was a fight, I hope she-Spencer was just as bad as her brother, I hope Whitney was awesome and pensive. Ah I'll just have to wait and see I guess.

_ In more TV news, did anyone watch Heroes last night? Were you disappointed? Because I was. The episode was so anticlimactic! I called out who was going to get shot, who would be captured and basically everything that was going to happen. And oh man and I laughed out loud when West and Claire started talking, it was some pretty horrible acting on their part (or maybe just horrible lines, I don't know, but it was bad). I just hope that next week's season finale can redeem the season and leave me saying "WOW" just like the commercial promises.

_And more TV (man I'm a TV whore) news I suppose, last night was the first part of the Dancing with the Stars finale. Now I haven't watched this show all season, but I must say that I am rooting for Mel B (aka Scary Spice). She's awesome. Heck she's a Spice Girl, so of course I have to love her. I even went so far as to vote for her last night (crazy! I know). And it was super cute to see the rest of the Spice Girls cheering her on in the audience (girl power!). Anyhoo, I hope Mel B wins tonight, woo!

_And apparently being a beauty queen is rough. A real life Drop Dead Gorgeous attempt at sabotage happened at the Miss Universe competition. Miss Puerto Rico's costumes were sprayed with random crap and her stuff was stolen, man those ladies are vicious! Meow! Haha.

_And because I don't want to talk about Brit, LiLo, or any other celeb starlets, I'll share a Happy Michael Vartan! Honestly, who didn't love Never Been Kissed!?!


Happy Tuesday!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Memes galore.

Well apparently there were some serious memes going around this past week because I got tagged for not one, or two, but three! Eeee! Thanks all. Mona and Samantha both tagged me for memes I did recently and I can only think of so many random facts about myself (but thanks ladies) and NicoleAntoinette tagged me for a new one, so here it is, woot.

MEME Rules:

1. Put Your itunes/ music player on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

After you’ve answered all of the questions, tag 5 other people and then let them know they’ve been tagged to do the meme themselves!

Hypnotize - Notorious B.I.G.

My Stupid Mouth - John Mayer (haha, sounds about right)

I Feel Home - O.A.R.

Do Something - Britney Spears

Smooth - Santana and Rob Thomas (my life purpose is to be smoooooth, I can live with that)

SexyBack - Justin Timberlake (ummm, quite the motto)

Neon- John Mayer

Cool - Gwen Stefani (yes in fact, my parents are cool)

Showtime - Nelly Furtado (showtime eh? What show I wonder???)

WHAT IS 2+2?
Sorry - Madonna (apparently I don't know)

Praise You -Fatboy Slim ( I do indeed praise my best friends, they are awesome)

Bang Bang - Dispatch (I love this song so much, however the title can be interpreted much differently, haha)

No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem - Kenny Chesney (well the no shoes I get, but I usually keep my top on)

Sleeping In - The Postal Service (haha, I want to do this every day of my life)

So Much to Say - Dave Matthews Band (so appropriate because I always ramble and DMB is his favorite band, ooooh sneaky sneaky Itunes)

Defying Gravity- Wicked Soundtrack (yesss. My parents think I should be in Wicked ooooor that I'm awesome enough to defy gravity, sweet)

Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations (superb)

Nothing to Lose - Josh Gracin (sounds good to me)

Let's Get Retarded - Black Eyed Peas (oh college)

Black Magic Woman - Santana (don't you know I'm magical??)

A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton (yes my friends really are spread out over thousands of miles, aw miss them, love them)

Don't Phunk With My Heart - Black Eyed Peas (wow another bep song, crazy Itunes!)

Well that was fun. forgot I had half of those songs on my Ipod, super.

I'm not going to post anyone cause I feel like people are getting memed out here, so feel free to play with your music if you'd like or share some facts, I'm always up to read them. And I'm done posting for the day, whew.

So I didn't pick the winner....

Okay well this isn't a rant or a recap of Top Model since I haven't seen this past week's episode. I only read a recap because I could wait no longer to see who was kicked off, and who was it? Who you ask? Lisa! Ah! Lisa was my pick to win or at least be in the top three. From the very first episode I picked her. Alas, I was wrong and Ty Ty and everyone else disagreed with me. Granted now Saleisha will have to do or Chantal. I really just can't stand Heather and her freaking Cover Girl of the Week business, gah people, stop voting for her (haha)!

Anyhoo. That was it. I know there is other celeb news out there but I'm too lazy to talk about it. Heck I still haven't memed yet and am still catching up on everyone's blogs (you people wrote like crazy in the five days I was gone, sheesh). So hopefully that'll happen soon and I'll be back up to speed on the meantime....goodbye Lisa, you were a good model wanabe.

Update: ANTM News. Twiggy won't be back for Season/Cycle/Whatever it's called 10. Sad, I like Twiggy. She's like the Paula of Top Model. But hell bring Janice back, she was amazing, haha. Instead Paulina Poritzkova will be filling in for Twiggy, cool I guess? At least Miss J is staying cause we all know he's the best, haha.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


In a word, my Thanksgiving was amazing. I love my family. There are just so many of us it's nearly impossible not to have someone to hang out with and have a good time. I went up to Aptos where my extended family (second cousins, cousins, relatives, a whole mish mash of people) had beach houses and condos from Wednesday until yesterday. In quick recap form there was food, drinks, board games, mini-golf, Margaritaville, music, family love, sunsets on the beach, downtown Santa Cruz, cute kids, turkey coloring contest, more cute kids, Guitar Hero, more games, more food and even more food and all in all lots of family. And of course I have some pics to share, enjoy!

Thanksgiving food line...yummmmy

Judging the many turkey submissions

Sunset on the beach

The siblings posing for Christmas on Thanksgiving...hmmmm

Most of the fam
(yes there are a lot of us)

Anyhoo. Hope you all had fabulous holidays. Can't wait to finally get to go read everyone's posts, I feel so out of the loop, haha. Ah gotta get back to work but I'll be back later to catch up and do some of those memes I was tagged for (don't worry I didn't forget!)

Have a lovely Monday! :)

I'm back!

And alive! Ah! It's been so long, haha. Well there was plenty of family and food and fun and now I am worn out, tired, extremely full and did I mention tired??

Anyhoo I hope you all had a fabulous holiday, I'll be back tomorrow with a better update and check up on everyone's blog and do some memes (wee!). Have a lovely rest of the evening.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Giving Thanks.

Well I still have a couple hours left in the work day, but I wanted to share my holidayness and Happy Thanksgivings now before I ran out of time at the end of the day. I hope everyone has fun wherever they are and whatever they do and are surrounded by people they love. I am fortunate enough that I'll be spending this time with my immediate family and about 50 other relatives and I can hardly wait. A week of seeing family I rarely get to spend time with, delicious food, beach scenery and all around greatness, it's going to be amazing.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Team Whitney.

I mean seriously, did anyone watch last night and think that Whitney's date was rude? He interrupted her several times (unless it was just MTV's shiteous editing again) and asked her on a date that involved WTF? Whitney is my favorite and Jaret or Jared or whatever the hell is name is was just not cool, not cool you hear me? Whitney you can do better than him, so do better. Go date some model from a photo shoot or a guy that'll let you talk at least and not take you on a date running through mountains and working out. Oh. And one more thing. What trainer goes with his trainees to drink?? Isn't that counteractive to training, the carbs from drinks and what not? It just seems weird to me. Oh well. Final point, move on Whitney, you're much cooler than him.

And per usual, Spencer was a complete idiot and made some of the most memorable and ridiculous faces whenever Heidi even mentioned the wedding. Now I'm not saying I like either one of them but I almost felt sorry (almost being the key word here) because Spencer was so far in his own world and seemed to not care about a wedding at all. I laughed so hard though when he packed their bags to go get married in Now if Matt ever packed my bags to go to Vegas I'd be happy, just leave out the "oh ya and we're getting married there" part. And even when they were looking at churches, as soon as the pastor mentioned pre-marital counseling the look on Spencer's face was pretty amazing (his faces are almost as good as Whitney's, almost).

Other than that not a whole lot happened with Audrina or Lauren this week, basically they lived vicariously through Whitney's "dates" with the trainer dude. However next week does look good when Justin Bobby kisses some other girl or what have you (he really does need to go, and take a shower in the process) aaaaand Spencer's sister shows up, that should be goooood. Ah The Hills, always a good source of bad television and healthy laughter. Thanks MTV.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Marvelous Monday!

Am I glowing? I think I might be glowing? Beaming perhaps? I don't know. I do know that I am officially at my own schnazzy desk no longer in charge of the phone, mailings and anything else office related (holler). And even better, a cool new guy has taken my place and not some awkward scmackward dude, woot. Ah. Happiness.

Okay enough of that. It's Monday and a good one at that. Not a ton of work to do and only one more day of work before Food Fest 2007 commences. And I'm not even joking about Food Fest. I saw the itinerary for my family Thanksgiving and it's ridiculous. I'm going up the Nor Cal with my super extended family (I think there are about 50 of us total, maybe more) and we're all in several beach houses and condos partying and eating for five days, haha. I just pray that I don't gain a million pounds, because it is more than possible with the amount of food that will be served, haha. Thank goodness for 24 Hour Fitness, haha.

And in other news. The weekend was fun. The boy/girl party was amusing, the boys were rowdy the girls were dainty, what's new? And I got to hear the girls gossip about my brother and how "he always changes his mind about who he likes, he's like soooo weird", haha gotta love it. After that, went out with Megan and some friends to the Cabana Club where I saw a guy who looked a lot like Sean Paul but I'm pretty sure it wasn't. And we danced and had some drinks and it was super. Afterwards I drove home and I felt like I was in the middle of Stephen King's new movie The Mist. It was insane. I drove like a grandma because I could barely see in front of me and I was half expecting some people eating monster to emerge from the fog and eat my car or something, haha. I don't know though, but it was weeeeird.

Anyhoo. Unrelated to my life and way more interesting and exciting, on Friday Perez posted a new song of John Mayer's and I pretty much love it. I don't think John can make a bad song really. Maybe not all great songs, but none of them suck. So check it out and play it on repeat and swoon to the loveliness.

Other than that nothing extremely noteworthy....Johnathan Rhys-Meyers got arrested (ya that was pretty inevitable), the AMA's were on last night and I'm guessing Carrie Underwood dominated that one too, sadly Kanye West broke down at a concert while singing "Hey Mama" (gotta feel sorry for the guy), and other than that Kingston is still an uber cutie:

Well that's it for now.
Happy Monday all!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Blogaholics Anonymous.

You know you've reached blogaholic status when something happens and your boyfriend then asks "You're going to blog about this tomorrow aren't you?" Ah the knows me too well.

Well what was he talking about? Let me recap. *disclaimer. some mushy ushy cutesy bragging will be posted next* Yesterday as I said, Matt and I celebrated 1.5 years of coupledom. Now I know it may sound weird an anniversary and a half? Celebrating it? Well sure. My boyfriend is quite the romantic and I do not mind in any way shape or form. So I get to his house last night and he made this amazing dish (Carbonara Pinchera something? I have no idea. It was cheesy spaghetti pizza, three of my favorite things) that we saw on TV back in July (I completely forgot about it) and it was delicious. Not only that he set up a table for two with roses, candles, wine, the works. And on top of it he rented Love Actually. Ah. I love him. Needless to say I was quite the giddy girl last night and it was fab.

So pretty much last night has kept me in a good mood today. That and the fact that today is my LAST DAY as a receptionist!!! Woot. Now don't get me wrong being a receptionist hasn't been a bad experience or anything, I'm just ready to move on. And moving on I will. At the end of today I get to move all my pictures and random office things to my new spot and Monday will commence "Operation Teach New Guy How To Be A Kick Ass Receptionist Like I Was", also known as OTNGHTBAKARLIW, haha that makes no sense, but you get the point.

Well it's Friday and I have no real major plans this weekend, and I am totally fine with that. The boy is in Vegas for his brothers birthday and I get to chaperon my 12 year old brothers bowling party (first girl/boy party...ah! cute!). Other than that maybe a movie or two? Go out with Megan? Read? Gym? Ah the possibilities are endless.

Anyhoo. I don't really feel like talking about celeb news today because none of it is that good (except the Spice Girls performance, but I may just save that post until the VS show airs, we'll see) and I didn't really watch any of my shows last night (thank goodness for so I'll just leave you with this:

Happy Weekend!


A Meme? For Moi? Ah. A Fantastic way to start my Friday morning. Valley Girl tagged me for my first meme evah (thanks!), so here goes:

According to the rules, I must (1) List 7 random facts about myself, (2) tag 7 people, and (3) leave a comment on their blog letting them know. And go.

1. I said hi to Hugh Jackman, and he said hi back. It was amazing.

2. In high school, my math teacher would stop class when I was sneezing and people started to count. I sneeze a lot.

3. I never walk in front of gutters. The movie IT has scarred me for life.

4. I had gold fish that lived for three years.

5. I can't function without a planner or calendar of some sort.

6. Both of my middle fingers have been sprained and face outward of each other just a bit.

7. The monkeys in Wizard of Oz scare the crap out of me.

And now I tag:
feel free to do it or not, I won't be offended if you don't

Kathleen at The Spaztastic Adventures of a DC Fashionate
Virginia at Virginia is For Lovers
Michelle at Michelle and the City
Ana at Eclectic-Closet
Susie at Everyone Loves a Boston Girl
Larissa at the Larissa Monologues
So@24 at Starting Over at 24

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Some thoughts...

_ Top Model. Okay people. Why do you keep voting for Heather for Cover Girl of the week??? I don't get it! I think I let out a yelp last night when her name popped up for like the 6th week in a row. Why people, why? She's not doing anything extraordinary to stand out, she takes some gothesque pics looks somewhat unique, but dag nabbit she is not the stand out! Okay moving on from Heather. Last night's episode was okay. The girls freaking out in the desert was pretty lame, but the photo shoot I thought was cool. Even though she's not my top, I thought Jenah rocked it. Other than that, eh. Saleisha and Lisa are still my top two faves.

_Criminal Minds. Ah. Does anyone watch this show? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Okay well I'm a big fan. Granted this show takes CSI: and SVU to a whole new level. It may be one of the most disturbing yet utterly fascinating shows that I watch. Anyhoo. *spoiler for anyone who wants to watch*Last night's episode in a word: WOW. Jamie Kennedy was the guest star killer and he was pretty freaking disturbing. I won't get into too much detail except that it had to do with missing women and some cannibalism (ew. yuck. gag!). And that wasn't even the kicker. At the end of the episode, Garcia (my favorite character besides Reid) finally decided to go on a date with some uber handsome guy (as she said, er something along those lines) and she's about to kiss him, but instead hugs him. And then as he starts to walk away he says something like "I've wanted to do this all night" and he freaking pulls a gun and shoots her!!! I think I threw my water bottle at the ground or hit my chair with it or something. I was basically speechless. Well not speechless, I think I started cursing (well cursing like "What the crap?!?). Gah. Well that was definitely not the ending I was hoping for, but man I can't wait to watch next week's episode.

_And unrelated to television. Can anyone tell me why my dreams were so ridiculous last night? I didn't take Tylenol PM, Mary Jane or anything, yet I had the most cracked out dreams ever. Dream 1. I was driving somewhere and hit a dead end. So I went into the house and asked the guy how to get to El Ceviche (ya no idea what that is) and he said the only way to get there was to go through the drain in the sink (ummm). So that sounded silly to me and I was about to walk back out to my car when lo and behold there were three gorillas dressed in suits tossing my car around. Ya so I couldn't go anywhere. And just had to watch gorillas toss my car around (sad). Dream 2. Virginia and I went back to Denison (ah college). Yet it was completely different and she was showing me around since she was just there and we went to the new location of the radio station. And when we got there there were four guys doing a show with the blinds barely open, and they were smoking out. It was so odd.

_On Monday I am no longer a receptionist *cue angels singing songs of happiness* I'm so excited to be moving on up and be a full time Grassroots person, it will be amazing. And to think, I get to train the new guy. Me? A Trainer? A Teacher? Ah. Oh happy times.

_ As of today, Matt and I have been together a year and a half. Ah. Crazy. Woot. Love.

And with all that said, time to get cracking on some least it's Thursday. Holler.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My "100 list" Part Deux.

So when I said I'd do part two of my "100 list" soon I meant three months later, haha. Oh well. It's here now. And I feel like I definitely have more readers than I did three months ago anyways so now you can all enjoy the random, useless, and ridiculous odd things about me that I want to share...and go!

51. Courtesy of Kiki, I accidentally ate a pita with mold on it (and barely felt nauseous, haha).

52. I slept through the Northridge Earquake (I only woke up when my dad yanked me out of my bunk bed, ya that was fun).

53. I hate zucchini and mushrooms (ew. yuck. gag.).

54. I have been skydiving, it was awesome (and I can't wait to do it again).

55. But in no way do I ever want to bungee jump (no siree).

56. The first movie I ever cried in was Selena (don't even ask my why, because I do not know).

57. I enjoy being by myself sometimes (but I don't like being home alone).

58. Kevin Costner laughed at me in 6th grade (only because I was a starstruck teenager who didn't play soccer with his daughter).

59. I will always love Dawson's Creek (Team Pacey!).

60. I've been to 37 of the 50 states (and someday hope to see the last 13).

61. In college the only wine I drank was out of a jug and named Carlo Rossi. I have since moved on to finer wines (but still love the Carlo days).

62. Freshman year of college my food intake primarily consisted of pizza, Pepsi, cereal, pasta, salad and the occasional dessert. And I lost 10 lbs that year. (Why oh why can't that happen again?)

63. I didn't wear jeans until 7th grade (oh yes, tights and leggings were my best friend *shutters*).

64. I broke my arm when I was 3 because I climbed up a piano and didn't know how to get down. Instead I just let go (I was a smart one).

65. Months after I got the cast off, I flipped into a play pen and broke it again, in the same spot (I told you, I was a smart one)

66. I have been in my local, high school and college newspaper, as well as on TV several times (next up, a movie? music video? commercial?).

67. I have been to a taping of Friends, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, TRL, and The Price is Right (twice!).

68. When I was younger I aspired to be an actress or an artist (both of those are out the window).

69. Matt is the only guy I've ever said "I love you" to (not counting family of course).

70. The curls in my hair actually boiiing, like a spring (it's pretty schnazzy).

And I'm spent. My efforts have failed again, I am 30 short of reaching 100. Oh well. Maybe in three more months I'll finish this list, or just leave you with the facts I've shared. I don't know yet. Anyhoo, hope you enjoyed.

Rockin the headlines....

Hollywood corner chat, and go!

Ellen Pompeo managed to get married this weekend without anyone knowing, impressive. Her and long time fiancee wed in Boston city hall with the mayor serving as the witness. And how did she spend her wedding night? At a Knick's game, haha. Well I knew she was planning a small wedding, but I didn't think it'd be that small, oh well, congrats to the newlyweds!

Matt Damon has finally captured the oh-so-valued honor of People's Sexiest Man of the Year. Apparently his pals (and past winners) Brad Pitt and George Clooney have been campaigning for him to win since 2001, which is pretty funny. But hey, the hard work finally paid off and Matt's cover pic definitely shows why he got the honor.

So I watched the Hills last night. And I have a few thoughts...
1. I'm impressed that MTV got Heidi to be the one to apologize and seem almost pathetic, it was weird. Maybe it's because she's found God? (gah).
2. I'm so glad Lauren didn't pull that "You know what you did!" card again and actually spoke in full sentences to Heidi.
3. Spencer is still a douche and a little creepy (who reads other people's IM conversations???)
4. Justin Bobby is nastay. I mean I burp and all (ask my friends and Matt, I'm pretty good at it), but I don't do it in the middle of bars/restaurants, I can be classy. Apparently JB cannot.
and 5. I heart Whitney. In the midst of awkwardness she still introduced herself to Heidi's friend and kept a smiley face going the whole time. Team Whitney!

Speaking of television, did anyone watch SVU last night??? I did and wow. So I knew from the previews that something was going to happen to Eliot, but I wasn't sure what. Matt and I guessed that maybe a bomb went off and that's why he was going to go blind so when watching the scene where I knew something was going to happen I was gripping Matt's hand hoping Eliot would be okay. And alas no bomb, rather a ridiculous strong head butt from the bad guy that knocked him anticlimactic. I was expecting more people. Granted Olivia's reaction was pretty clutch, she was ready to kill someone, haha. And how did Eliot get such ridiculous bruising on his eyes? I'm confused. Anyhoo the whole episode was kind of weird and got really political and I kind of lost interest. Next week's episode kind of looks like a joke, Coco, Ice T sluttastic wife, is guest starring along with some UFC fighter, quality actors here people. Oh well. I'll still watch, haha.

And because there's not a whole lot else I really want to talk about right now I'll just put up a pic of a cute baby, baby Olive that is (aka Baby Borat):

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy (Craig David) Tuesday!

Tuesdays may seem like any other day to most of you, but to me Tuesdays have held a special place in my heart ever since senior year of high school. Let me explain....

So at my high school we had a pretty weird schedule, but it worked for me. We didn't have every class every day, there was some odd way of rearranging them so that we only had each class four times a week meaning we also got a free period in there too. So as it turned out first semester senior year my free period didn't happen on Tuesdays, it sucked. And not just me, but several of my friends were right there with me and on top of that we had to end our day with Physics (gah! worst. class. ever.) So with that being said and how horrible Tuesdays were my friends and I thought of calling it "Happy Tuesday!" (you know how you pretend you're at a beach when it's freezing outside, that same sort of mental process, haha). We started bringing popcorn and random cakes or treats to have at lunch and get us through the day. It became our thing, Happy Tuesday! So it pretty much stuck for the rest of the school year and made life that much more bearable, the simple things.

And it doesn't end there. My freshman year in college I kept it up. I made every Tuesday a "Happy Tuesday" so much that I would send an IM to everyone on my buddy list saying "Happy Tuesday" knowing that none of them really knew what the hell I was talking about. Oh and it definitely didn't end here either. Freshmen year I had a break between 11 and 1 on Tuesdays, so I basically hung out in my room and blared music like the awesome person I was. And it wasn't just any music, it was pretty much Craig David (that's a whole other post, haha), I was obsessed. My friend Anitra I believe had the whole day off and was able to hear Craig playing and pretty much was the one that said Tuesdays should be my Craig day (that and I think she wanted to limit my Craig playing time, haha). So from that I went on to create the "Happy (Craig David) Tuesday!" IMs that people still questioned but ultimately grew to anticipate and love, haha, as well as play (read as blare through my amazing speakers) at least one Craig song every Tuesday (I had too, haha).

"Happy Tuesdays" were just something I needed, a small way to make my day better and hopefully make some friends laugh. Even though I don't send out my mass IM's anymore, I still love my "Happy (Craig David) Tuesday!" and hopefully now you can too.

Monday, November 12, 2007

"Hey I put some new shoes on and suddenly everything's right"

I don't really remember the last time I bought myself some shoes that weren't reefs or rainbows or severely on sale, so the fact that I got two new pairs of shoes is a big deal. On Saturday I went out with my mom and after trying on a bagillion pairs of shoes these two were the winners!

I like the brown ones because they're cute and practical (can wear with multiple outfits) and the green they're green? Do I need another reason? Haha. Anyhoo, they're both flats and fabulous especially since I rarely wear heels (I don't need to be an Amazon woman) and I heart them. I almost forgot how fun it is to treat myself to some fashion upgrades, holler.

Birthdays all around.

Several of my faves had birthdays this weekend so I'd like to make a shout out....

Leo is 33! Can you believe it? I can't. I remember seeing Titanic like it was yesterday and how much I wanted to be Rose in that dance scene and how much I wanted to yell at Jack to hop on board that freaking door so he could live, haha (I'm a little into movies). But ah, Leo, you still look good.

And the one and only Noah....I mean Ryan Gosling turns 27 today. Crazy. That lovely Canadian has been one of my faves since he joined the cast of MMC back in the day and has continued to impress me from his oh so amazing role in The Notebook (every girl's fave) to most recently in Lars and the Real Girl.

And for some fine females, the one and only Meredith Grey...Ellen Pompeo turned 38 on Saturday. Now even though Grey's has not been totally on its game this season I definitely like Meredith waaaay more than I did last season. And Ellen as a person is growing on me too. Ever since I saw her on Punk'd I kind of hated her, but the dislike is fading and she's moving back up the list, so Happy Birthday Ellen.

And lastly, although not one of my all-time faves or anything, but Anne Hathaway turned 25 this weekend. Now who doesn't love The Princess Diaries or The Devil Wears Prada? I mean really, they are pretty great girly flicks. And Anne has pretty much stayed out the starlet life which I have to admire.

If you're curious about any more celeb birthdays, D-listed has a pretty good rundown every day, so check it out. Tell them I sent you. :)

Mish Mash.

I have already written and deleted this post three times already and I don't really know why. At first I was going to talk about my weekend, but then I decided not to and then I started writing about a new Orson song that I was listening to but then erased it and now I'm just writing about what I was going to write about...I make no sense.

Anyhoo. My weekend was spent having fabulous meals with the boy (he is an amazing chef...mmmm), drinking lots of wine, playing Scene It Squabble, buying some new shoes (real shoes even, not sandals, amazing!!!), watching football and catching up on some of my shows. Yes, a very simple weekend, but also very fun. I slept more than the normal person should, but then again when do I not? I love sleep, I can't help it.

Gah this is a boring post, haha. No real good stories to share or crazy pictures taken this weekend. I'm still baffled at the fact that Thanksgiving is next week and I will be embarking on one crazy family experience (just think 50+ people, 4 beach houses, and enough food to feed a small country, haha). And then Christmas, Christmas is right around the corner too! Ah! Gifts to buy, presents to wrap and Harry Connick Jr. Christmas albums to be listened to. Oh and speaking of Christmas, check out the Spice Girls commercial for Tesco (no idea what store that is), it's pretty cute:

*And on the note of holidays yesterday was Veteran's Day and as a daughter of a veteran and cousin and friend of other people in the military I just want to say, I admire and love you all.*

Happy Monday all. :)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Hot Stuff.

Okay so I was done blogging for the day but...... Craig David has a new video! He apparently has a new CD coming out on Tuesday too, which I am quite excited for (you can check the music out on his Myspace if you're curious). Even though he has abandoned his American fans and hasn't been back in like four years (what the hell? we're important too!).'s his newest dancy video "Hot Stuff (Let's Dance)"...Enjoy.....

pps. I have no idea what is going on with the animal masks??? a little too weird for me, haha.

Flippin' Friday.

Ever have one of those days where you wake up and know the day is going to suck? Yeah that's what I felt like this morning when I accidentally woke up at 9 (which is the time I am usually out the door and in my car driving to work). I bolted out of bed, into the shower, somehow got dressed, kissed Matt bye and was off at 9:15. And for some reason the gods felt sorry for me and probably looked down and said "ye shall not be late to work today" because there was absolutely no traffic, I breezed through the freeway and hit only green lights and managed to pull into the driveway at work at 9:29, I was a whole minute early!?! It was amazing. From there on out my day has been anything but sucky, haha. Although I didn't have breakfast I walked down to the local coffee shop and got a fantastic bagel and some delicious cider that not only filled me up but made me all warm and happy (mmmmcider).

From then on the day has been pretty good. I finished my big update of the day and it got approved (woot!) and now I'm catching up on blogs and celeb news and enjoying the fact that it's Friday.

And with that said here are some Friday pics.....
hey Keanu

the cast of Grey's supports the strike

the ladies from Wisteria strike too

man she's cute!

I'm glad to see the stars helping out and being sincere in the strike because hey they don't have a TV job anymore either. And Keanu and Violet are clearly in the pic mix because I heart them both, haha.

Anyhoo...Happy Weekend!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I love love love it. (or strongly dislike it)

So I'm stealing this mini post idea from Janet over at Love is Blonde because it's just a simple way to get out some things you're here goes.

love: finding new blogs (making new blog friends) on Twenty Something Bloggers and other people's blogrolls.
strongly dislike: not having enough time to enjoy reading all of them.

love: that I finally got prescription allergy meds from the doctor (holler).
very strongly dislike: the fact that my insurance is crap and I would have to pay125$ for one month of Allegra (WTF?!) and 30$ for Nasonex (which I can handle).

love: my cousin is finally out of Iraq.
strongly dislike: that he'll still be in Germany and can't really afford to come home just yet.

love: the cooler Fall like weather.
strongly dislike: the massive amount of fog that causes people to drive like idiots.

love: that extra hour of sleep I got last Saturday.
strongly dislike: that it's pitch black by the time I leave work at 6:30, gah!

love: that Lisa kicked ass in Top Model last night.
strongly dislike: that I'm not cool enough to have DVR and missed the first half of the show, haha.

love: today's Thursday which means tomorrow is Friday and it's weekend time, wooot!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hey Hollywoooooood.

Some thoughts....

- Do not see the movie NEXT. Have you even heard of it? I barely had. Matt and I watched it last night and I don't recommend it. It was the most cracked out movie ever. Basically Nicholas Cage is a guy who can see two minutes into his future and the CIA wants to use him to track down where a nuke is going to be detonated. Ummmmright. It made no sense whatsoever, Nic had creepy hair, Julianne Moore's acting skills were highly questionable and the plot made absolutely no sense. However it did make for a good laugh. So if you want to watch a movie and have no idea what's going on and laugh about it all, watch it. If you want to spare yourself five bucks at Blockbuster, avoid this one.

- However do see Ratatouille. The Disney/Pixar combo has yet to disappoint me. It was a cute movie with some funness and goofiness of rats and French people. Although animated the food did look rather tasty too, maybe it's just because I love cheese but still, looked good to me. Oh and the little preview short before it was pretty funny too "Your Friend the Rat." There were a couple laugh out loud parts so I do recommend this movie to watch, woot.

- Eva Mendes looks amazing in the new Campari calender. I mean wow. I like how they did the spin on fairytales and made them quite modern...and alcoholic, haha. However I must say that my favorite one of them all is my favorite cartoon, Aladdin.

- Thank goodness Lauren and Audrina found some new guys to hang out with. Hopefully last night's partay at Opera will show up on the show since apparently Audrina was making out with some new dude even though Justin Bobby was there and Lauren made friends with Shawn Pyfrom from Desperate Housewives, sweet.

- Why does Britney need so many chandeliers? I mean honestly. Is your house that dark? Are you that in need of sparkly things? Do you need a new way to blow off money? And speaking of Britney, her album didn't seel the #1 spot, the Eagles beat her out. I'm impressed she even sold that many. Now I'm not saying the girl doesn't know how to make good danceable music (cause she does I have some of the new tracks and they're pretty fab) but she doesn't know how to sell shit anymore. Gah. I don't know why I'm still talking about her. I used to love Brit Brit, but now that she's a whole bowl of crazy I just can't like her like I used to.

- The Writer's Strike needs to get its shiz worked out. Come on big execs. Give the writers what they want so we can get our TV back. So many shows are already stopping production and most talk shows have already gone into reruns. So fingers crossed that the big wigs can get their act together and pay up to the writers, cause we all know they deserve it.

Ya that's about all I got for two cents to Hollywood...